Wednesday, 10 August 2011

all over the world

revolutions all over the world, in london , in the "arab world", in paris banlieues. As stupid and shortsighted as surely I am the demands all look the same:
employment and fair wages to pay a house and raise a family, freedom to speech, a state that protects and does not repress, a state that defends freedom and justice and is not a hidden inquisition.
In Israel (yes Israel) last week people were marching down the streets to ask for fair wages to match rents, (and  honestly it could have been paris )
Today and yesterday the markets were going crazy because again speculation implodes and explodes; how is it possible not to have the decency to behave? not to give up that small dividend , that small margin more on top of so much money when most of the people in the world , not the so called undeveloped world but this nice industrialised disfunctioning one , are struggling and shouting because they cannot make ends meet
How is it possible that nobody linked this so called unrest all over the world with the fact that maybe people are not able anymore to meet the basic happiness levels? How come that nobody looks at the big picture, that newspaper prefer to scare people about the unrest and unstability rather than seeing the common points ... because at the end what i can see is that everywhere everybody wants the same things,  a safe home and a kind of family, a nice porch to look at a sunset ,possibly in summer one beer after a hard day work or just an icecream (as for me)...but again I am surely not seeing it right and these other journalists and interpreters of the world must surely know better