Sunday, 1 April 2012

A paris summer potpourri: from august 2009

Some pieces of memory triggered by a friend looking for Paris pictures: one summer I was walking around with my almost new camera to carve paths in the town and reading Paris music through lens. 
Going around I found in a courtyard pegs left alone by fresh sheets , still shining colours in the silent courtyard.

A market in Charonne, shoulders and wooden ships to conjure up other horizons hidden in the concrete buildings of an almost suburb.

Intoxicating sun in Menilmontant; the plunge down is like to dive in the town, everything is possible up here.

Getting caught in the neighborhood party, children and grown ups dancing; they all probably share the same level of happiness in different ways of showing.

Everybody has his own way to tango and being together is always as fun.

Abdul, a violinist from Ethiopia: the white hair seemed to infuse experience and wisdom around him, in the pavement up to the trees. He touched his heart when he spoke of his country, when he said he was a violinist. His lips easily opened up in a smile and told me to go away with a couple of book from a large pile in front of him: I tried to say I had already too many in my house, but he did not want to hear and added "to give is good for the heart, and the best thing to give is knowledge"

a lady caught up in a moment of relax

In place Saint Marthe , the children were hypnotised from the cabaret-like show going on.

the evening falls gently and you get trapped for that moment in twilight caught in your world: be it waiting somebody, be it your thoughts or your memories or maybe somebody on the phone inviting you in his or her world.

A glimpse from Saint Marthe square, the children outside the restaurant keep running up and down the street; it is late in the night, it must be summer !

Last one is the best one of all: going home hands in hands, the rare privilege of knowing where home is and having somebody to bring or being brought by.

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